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International Women’s Day | 8 March-2022

Women's Day

Welcome to International Women’s Day Celebration

Today, We are here to express our thought and deliver a speech on Women on the auspicious occasion of International Women’s Day.

Let’s deliver a speech in the below comment box either in the form of Audio/video or text format. Feel free and express your feeling here.

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  1. This comment was edited.

    Happy International Women’s Day

    My mother, sisters, girl friends, lover, aunty etc.are known as Women.
    I would like to speak few sentences on The women on this auspicious occasion of the International Women’s Day. As we know that life without a woman is like a garden where no flowers. The women make our life beautiful. The women play a major role in everyone’s life. Mother take care of their children. All day to day operations of the home is under the surveillance of the mother.Moreover, the women also play a great role in the development of any country. We together & do together give double boost for the development of the country. Today’s, the women are leading in the most of the companies such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Unilever, Query Karo etc. They are leading because of the following criteria :
    👉They are determined mind
    👉They are open minded.
    👉They have good managing skills.
    👉They do the task without seeing the level of the task either easy or tough.
    👉They are time oriented.
    However, they have very good skills to attract and convince others. Nowadays, the companies in which women are, growth of the companies are increasing twice time. The following sectors in which the women have achieved highest recognition and awards are:
    👉Police and so on.
    Mother, Lata Mangeshkar, Sarojni Naidu, Mother Teresa, Bachendri Pal, Sonia Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi etc. are the most greatest pioneer.
    Last but not the least, 🙏Save Girl Child to protect our garden. Give respect to the women.

    Thanks & Regards
    Mukesh Pandit

  2. This comment was edited.

    Firstly I wish you a very Happy International Women’s Day.

    International women’s day is celebrated on 8th March every year around the world. It’s the day dedicated to celebrating women’s achievement in various social, political and cultural fields. The history of why women’s day is celebrated goes back to 109 years.

    It’s a day where women are recognised and appreciated for all their hard work and dedication in various fields. Women’s day celebrates the importance and significance of women in every person’s life.

    We all know that there are some countries where women don’t get equal rights, they are limited to only household work. However, this needs to change because we all are humans and should be treated equally with equal rights and opportunities.

    It is a great responsibility to empower women also it is necessary for gender equality. Women are the throne who brings life and every woman extraordinary no matter where she works whether it’s a home or office So, on this international women’s day let us all show appreciation, respect and love to all the incredible women.

    Thanks & Regards
